Our friendly and helpful team are here to help. If you would like to talk to someone please call us on 01947 602958. Our Reception is open from 7am – 11pm every day of the week. If we are unable to answer please leave us a voicemail message with your name and number and we will call you back as soon as we are able.
Alternatively you can email us at info@bagdale.co.uk. We aim to respond to all email enquiries within 24 hours.
You can also keep in touch with us and find out about the latest news from Bagdale Hall by connecting with us on Instagram and Facebook.
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Find Us
By Road
From York, Whitby is 45 miles taking the A64
by-passing Malton, then the A169 passing through Pickering.
From Scarborough, Whitby is 20 miles on the A171.
From Teesside it is 30 miles to Whitby on the A171 or A169.
Bagdale Hall has its own private car parking facilities.
By Rail
There are local trains to Whitby
from Middlesborough mainline station.
Scarborough also has mainline connections.
The Hotel is very close to both rail and bus stations.
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